Competitions and Resources for Writers
For Competitions
Name: The Curae Prize
Country: UK
Closing date: 1 March
Prize: There are a number of amazing prizes to be won, see website for details:
Entry fee: FREE
Entry criteria: open to unpaid carers
Word count: Up to 4,000 words or 40 lines of poetry
Open theme/subject/genre: see website for details
Name: Aesthetica Creative Writing Award
Country: UK
Closing date: 31 August
1st prize: £2,500, a free place on the creative writing course
Runners-up: n/a
Entry fee: £18
Word count: Up to 2,000 words
Open theme/subject/genre: see website for categories
Name: Dinesh Allirajah Prize for Short Fiction
Country: UK
Closing date: September each year
1st prize: £500
Runners-up: n/a
Entry fee: see website
Word count: see website
Open theme/subject/genre: For 2023, the theme is 'music'
Name: AMWA Writing Competition
Country: Australia
Closing date: 31 May (opens 1 February every year)
Prizes: vary, see website
Entry fee: between $5 and $10 - see website
Word count: vary for different categories
Open theme/subject/genre: martial arts but you don't have to be a martial artist to enter
Name: BBC National Short Story Award
Country: UK
Closing date: mid-March each year, check website
1st prize: £15,000
Runners-up: £650 each
Entry fee: see website
Word count: 8,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre
Name: The Bridport Prize
Country: UK
Closing date: 31st March each year
1st prize: £5,000
Runners-up: 2nd £1,000, 3rd £500
Entry fee: £12
Word count: 5,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre: any
Name: Creative Writing Ink Short Story Competition
Country: UK
Closing date: see website
Results announced: see website
1st prize: £1,000, a free creative writing course of the winners choice and publication
on our website
Runners-up: £200 each
Entry fee: £9
Word count: 3,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre
Name: The Desperate Literature Short Fiction Prize
Country: Europe
Closing date: see website
1st prize: €1,500, a week's residency at the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, manuscript assessment and meeting with an editor from The
Literary Consultancy.
Runners-up: €750 to two runners up
Entry fee: check website
Word count: 5,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre: any
Name: Bryan MacMahon Short Story Award
Country: Ireland
Closing date: see website
Results announced: see website
1st prize: €1,000
Entry fee: €13
Word count: 3,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre: any
Name: Moth Short Story Prize
Country: Europe
Closing date: 30 June
Results announced: see website, winners appear in Moth magazine
1st prize: €1,000
Runners-up: 2nd prize a week-long retreat in Circle of Misse in France plus €250; 3rd prize €1,000
Entry fee: €15
Word count: 4,000 words maximum.
Open theme/subject/genre: see website
For Writing Advice and Information
Christopher Fielden
Writers Forum
The Book Trust
Creative Writing Ink
For Self-Publishing Services
Arch Publishing Services
For Publishing
Caroline Vincent
For Short Story Magazines
For Poetry
Orbis International Literary Journal
For Writing Courses
The National Writing Centre of Wales
The Novelry
The Open University